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Country analysis > Malawi Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Malawi's National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA)
Government of Malawi - Ministry of Mines, Natural Resources and Environment, Feb 2008

Fourth and fifth reviews under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility, and request for waivers of nonobservance of performance criteria
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Jan 2008

Informal Cross Border Food Trade in Southern Africa
FEWS NET/ World Food Programme (WFP) Cross Border Food Trade Monitoring System Technical Committee, Sep 2007

An investigation into the funding of communities: Volume 1, Lessons and best practice
Khanya-African Institute for Community-Driven Development (KhanyaÂ?aicdd), 18 Aug 2007

Report of Regional Workshop on "Strengthening responses to the Triple Threat in Southern Africa - learning from field programmes in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia"
Joint Project of Concern Worldwide (CW), Oxfam International (OI) and The Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Aug 2007

Commonwealth synthesis review of four country-owned poverty reduction strategies
D. Peretz , Commonwealth Secretariat, Aug 2007

A case study on designing, piloting and scaling-up a land redistribution programme in Malawi
Stephen Machira, CBRLD Project Manager, Government of Malawi, 9 Jul 2007

Regional workshop on "Strengthening responses to the Triple Threat in Southern Africa - learning from field programmes"
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 2 Jul 2007

Pioneers, Partners, Providers: The Dynamics of Civil Society and AIDS Funding in Southern Africa
Karen Birdsall and Kevin Kelly, Centre for AIDS Development Research and Evaluation (CADRE), Jun 2007

Community wealth-ranking and household surveys: An integrative approach
Bereket Kebede , Q-Squared, Centre For International Studies, University Of Toronto, Jun 2007

Rapid expansion of treatment and rehabilitation of severely malnourished Malawian children
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 31 May 2007

HIV/AIDS and Democratic Governance in Africa: Illustrating the impact on electoral processes
Kondwani Chirambo, IDASA, 22 May 2007

Identity voting and the regional census in Malawi
Karen Ferree and Jeremy Horowitz, May 2007

Lessons from seven countries: Reflections on the millennium challenge account
Sarah Lucas, Center for Global Development, Apr 2007

Whose security? Deepening social conflict over 'customary' land in the shadow of land tenure reform in Malawi
Pauline E. Peters and Daimon Kambewa , Center for International Development (CID), Harvard University, Mar 2007

A critical assessment of aid management and donor harmonisation: The case of Malawi
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2007

The Macroeconomic Framework and the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa: The cases of Ghana and Malawi
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2007

Famine in Malawi: Causes and consequences
Roshni Menon, Human Development Report Office , 2007

Hunger and HIV: From food crisis to integrated care
Claire de Menezes, Susan Thurstans, Pamela Fergusson and Nynke Nutma, ACF International Network, 2007

Is Malawi'?s fiscal crisis over? A donor perspective
Alan Whitworth, Department for International Development (DFID), 2007

The 2007 Malawi Millennium Development Goal report
Government of Malawi, 2007

Predictive performance of the 2005 Annual Vulnerability Assessments in Lesotho and Malawi
Regional Hunger & Vulnerability Programme (RHVP), Dec 2006

Cash transfers and social protection: Experiences of the UN World Food Programme
Blessings Mwale and Ian Mashingaidze, World Food Programme (WFP), 9 Oct 2006

Malawi Food Security Update: July 2006
Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), Jul 2006

2006/2007 Budget statement: Delivered in the National Assembly of Malawi By Honourable Goodall E. Gondwe, MP Minister of Finance
Ministry of Finance, Malawi, 16 Jun 2006

Inside the proposed 2006/2007 National Budget: A pre-budget analysis by Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN)
Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN), Jun 2006

Strengthening responses to the Triple Threat in the Southern Africa region - learning from field programmes in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia
Joint Project of Concern Worldwide (CW), Oxfam International (OI) and the Southern Africa Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Jun 2006

The effects, comparative advantages and The effects, comparative advantages and limits of cash transfers in lieu of food transfers in districts worst hit by food insecurity in Malawi: A Case Study for Nsanje and Chikwawa Districts
Blessings Mwale, World Food Programme (WFP), Feb 2006

Community participation in social funds in Malawi and Zambia
Anju Vajja, Howard White, Feb 2006

The right to development, the quality of rural life, and the perfomance of legislative duties during Malawi's first five years of multiparty politics
Garton Kamchedzera and Chikosa Ulendo Banda, Univeristy of Malawi, Faculty of Law, 2006

The human right to food in Malawi: Report of an international fact-finding mission
Carole Samdup, FIAN International, 2006

Malawi - Justice sector and the rule of law
Written and researched by Professor Fidelis Edge Kanyongolo, 2006

Experiences with the development and use of poverty maps: Case study note for Malawi
Contributor: Todd Benson, 2006

Learning to live positively: A key development tool for promoting "treatment preparedness" amongst HIV/AIDS-affected rural communities in Africa
Sam Page, Brice Gbaguidi and Fortunate Nyakanda, CABI UK, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, African FarmersÂ? Organic Research and Training (AfFOResT), 2006

Speech by HE Dr. Bingu wa Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi delivered to the Scottish Parliament
HE Dr. Bingu wa Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi, 3 Nov 2005

Malawi'?s recent fiscal performance and prospects
Alan Whitworth, Nov 2005

Integrated household survey 2004-2005: Volume I, Household socio-economic characteristics
National Statistical Office, Oct 2005

The governance dimensions of food security in Malawi
Caroline Sahley, Bob Groelsema, Tom Marchione and David Nelson, USAID, 20 Sep 2005

Malawi food security update - September 2005
Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWSNET), Sep 2005

Customary land tenure reform and development: A critique of customary land tenure reform under Malawi's National land policy
Chikosa Mozesi Silungwe, Sep 2005

The IMF - Government of Malawi Agreement, 2005-2008
National Action Group Forum, 29 Aug 2005

Malawi: Request for a three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility and additional interim assistance under the enhanced initiative for heavily indebted poor countries
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Aug 2005

Strengthening institutional capacity for supporting food, agriculture and natural resources policy formulation and implementation in the SADC region
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Food and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), 22 Jul 2005

Analysis of the 2005/06 Health Sector Budget
Malawi Economic Justice Network, Jul 2005

Analysis of the proposed 2005/06 Malawi National Budget
Malawi Economic Justice Network, Jul 2005

Economic Review: Decision time for the National Assembly
First Merchant Bank, 22 Jun 2005

The briefing and formation of the Malawi Parliamentary Coalition on International Financial Institutions
Kelvin Kanswala Banda, ActionAid Malawi, 11 Jun 2005

2005/2006 Budget statement
Goodall Gondwe, Malawi Government, 10 Jun 2005

Delivering on our promises- Budget speech
His Excellency Dr. Bingu Wa Mutharika President of the Republic of Malawi, 6 Jun 2005

Opportunities for Norwegian support to agricultural development in Malawi
Kjell Esser, Ragnar Ã?ygard, Catherine Chibwana, Malcolm Blackie, Noragric - Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Jun 2005

Parliamentary Centre workshop report: microfinance as a strategy for poverty reduction
Parliamentary Centre, 31 May 2005

2005 tax review - private sector submission
Economics Association of Malawi, 15 Apr 2005

World Bank and capacity building in Africa: Malawi, Mozambique case studies
World Bank, Apr 2005

Economic Performance Assessment: Malawi
Bruce Bolnick, Rose Mary Garcia, Alex Greenbaum, Maureen Hinman, Gertrude Mlachila, Nathan Associates, Apr 2005

The Malawi ITN Delivery Model
Population Services International (PSI), Apr 2005

Local government accountability
Robert Kafakoma, Margaret Roka, Patrick Chimutu, Mar 2005

Joint submission to the Malawi Tax Review Team

Malawi Assessment: The impact of HIV/AIDS on household economy in two villages in Salima district
John Seaman and Celia Petty with James Acidri, Save the Children, Feb 2005

Working with the private sector
Dr Bingu Wa Mutharika, Government of Malawi, 2005

Private sector welcomes 2005 Malawi budget statement
The Economics Association of Malawi (ECAMA), The Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), The Society of Accountants in Malawi (SOCAM), 2005

Beyond Inequalites: Women in Malawi
SARDC and the Women In Development Southern Africa Awareness Programme, 2005

Macroeconomic policy choices for growth and poverty reduction: Access to land, growth and poverty reduction in Malawi
Ephraim W. Chirwa, University of Malawi and The North-South Institute (NSI), 2005

Search this category:

Malawi Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network
Malawi's National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA)
The 2007 Malawi Millennium Development Goal report
Rapid expansion of treatment and rehabilitation of severely malnourished Malawian children
Fourth and fifth reviews under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility, and request for waivers of nonobservance of performance criteria

The Malawi experience 2001-3
Facing our realities and living within our means in the fight against poverty - Minister of Finance'?s budget speech for the 2002/03 budget
Malawi: The role of parliament in the implementation of the PRSP

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