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Country analysis > Lesotho Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Lesotho budget speech: 2008/09
Timothy T. Thahane, Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Lesotho, 13 Feb 2008

Community-Based Worker Systems '? a possible solution to more services, reaching many communities, and within budget: CBW partners in South Africa, Lesotho, Uganda and Kenya
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Oct 2007

Is social protection in southern Africa at a crossroads?, 26 Jun 2007

Pioneers, Partners, Providers: The Dynamics of Civil Society and AIDS Funding in Southern Africa
Karen Birdsall and Kevin Kelly, Centre for AIDS Development Research and Evaluation (CADRE), Jun 2007

Education Quality Enhancement Project, Kingdom of Lesotho (Appraisal Report)
Human Development Department, African Development Bank (AfDB), Feb 2007

Regional call to participate in strengthening civil society voices to influence policies in the context of HIV and AIDS

Report of the SADC Lawyers Association fact finding mission to Lesotho
SADC Lawyers Association, 2007

Predictive performance of the 2005 Annual Vulnerability Assessments in Lesotho and Malawi
Regional Hunger & Vulnerability Programme (RHVP), Dec 2006

The extent and effects of casualisation in Southern Africa: Analysis of Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Oupa Bodibe (editor), National Labour and Economic Development Institute (NALEDI), Nov 2006

Strengthening Civil Society in Lesotho
SCIL is a programme developed and implemented by: Care Lesotho - South Africa, ActionAid International Lesotho, Catholic Commission Justice and Peace, 24 Jul 2006

Human movements, common regional citizenship and identity in southern Africa: Prospects for deeper integration between Lesotho and South Africa
Khabele Matlosa, Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), Mar 2006

Lesotho Council of NGOs comments on 2006 Budget
Lesotho Council of NGOs, 23 Feb 2006

Lesotho'?s 2006 budget
Jan Duvenage, Standard Bank Group Economics, 23 Feb 2006

Lesotho Budget speech 2006/2007
Honourable Timothy T. Thahane, Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Parliament of the Kingdom of Lesotho, 8 Feb 2006

Notes for Press Briefing by Stephen Lewis, UN Secretary-General'?s Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, on his February 2006 visit to Lesotho and Swaziland United Nations
Stephen Lewis, United Nations (UN), Feb 2006

Lesotho 2004 Final Report: Demographic and Health Survey
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare - Maseru, Lesotho, Bureau of Statistics - Maseru, Lesotho, ORC Macro, Calverton - Maryland, USA, Nov 2005

Com Mark Trust: Lesotho Apparel Project
ComMark Trust, Sep 2005

Quality at the Centre of Girls' Education
Editor: Changu Mannathoko, UNICEF, May 2005

Evaluation of DFID'?s Country programmes: Country study Lesotho 2000 '? 2004
Department for International Development (DFID), May 2005

Local government elections- report of the Commonwealth Expert Team
Commonwealth Expert Team organised jointly by the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Commonwealth Local Government Forum, 30 Apr 2005

Lesotho Budget speech 2005/2006
Honourable Timothy T. Thahane, Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Parliament of the Kingdom of Lesotho, 16 Feb 2005

Strengthening food insecurity and vulnerability information management in Lesotho: FIVIMS assessment report
Mr Rene Verduijn, FAO-UN (TCEO), Feb 2005

Poverty Reduction Strategy 2004/2005 - 2006/2007
Kingdom of Lesotho, 2005

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Lesotho Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network
Lesotho budget speech: 2008/09
Report of the SADC Lawyers Association fact finding mission to Lesotho
Community-Based Worker Systems '? a possible solution to more services, reaching many communities, and within budget: CBW partners in South Africa, Lesotho, Uganda and Kenya
Regional call to participate in strengthening civil society voices to influence policies in the context of HIV and AIDS

Feedback report on communities reactions to the findings on the study of HIV/AIDS and its impacts on land tenure and livelihoods in Lesotho
A note on food security and land tenure security in Lesotho
The impact of HIV/AIDS on livelihoods in Lesotho

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