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NEPAD and AU Last update: 2020-11-27  

Official site of the African Union:
Official site of the New Partnership for Africa's Development:

View archived documents
Submission from Civil Society Organisations to the Pan African Parliament on the proposal for continental government
Civil Society Organisations, 14 May 2007

Communique of Consultative Dialogue Between African civil society organisations and the Pan African Parliament
Southern Africa Trust, 7 May 2007

Examining the African Development Bank: A primer for NGOs
Shannon Lawrence, Bank Information Center, May 2007

African Development Bank Financial and Operational Analysis for year 2006
African Development Bank, May 2007

Johannesburg Declaration of the 3rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Health
African Ministers of Health, African Union (AU), 13 Apr 2007

Africa Health Strategy: 2007-2015
African Union, African Union (AU), 9 Apr 2007

Towards a people-driven Africa Union: Current obstacles and new opportunities
Researched and written by Ibrahima Kane and Nobuntu Mbelle., Jan 2007

Pour une Union Africane tiree par ses citoyens: obstacles actuels et nouvelles perspectives
Les auteurs des recherches et de la rédaction du présent rapport sont Ibrahima Kane et Nobuntu Mbelle., Jan 2007

Towards a people-driven African Union: Current obstacles & new opportunities
AfriMAP, AFRODAD, Oxfam, Jan 2007

AU Commission chairperson's 2nd progress report on the implementation of the solemn declaration on gender equality in Africa
Chairperson of the AU Commission, African Union Commission, 2007

Political leaders in Africa: Presidents, patrons or profiteers?
Ansie van Wyk, ACCORD, 2007

The view from the summit - Gleneagles G8 one year on: Oxfam briefing note, 9 June 2006
Oxfam International, 9 Jun 2006

Statement by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi: Africa - The Home of Self-Endeavor
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, 1 May 2006

Linkages between NEPAD and WTO
John H. E. Maré, Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Economic Justice Network (EJN), 6 Apr 2006

Africa adopts Brazzaville Commitment on scaling up towards universal access to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support
World Health Organization (WHO), African Union (AU), UNAIDS, 8 Mar 2006

Commission for Social Development hears introduction of Draft Resolutions on its Working methods, African Development, Ageing, Youth employment, Disabled persons
United Nations Commission for Social Development, 16 Feb 2006

The New Partnership for Africa's Development progress report - Towards development
Prof. Firmino G. Mucavele - Chief Executive, NEPAD Secretariat, New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), 8 Feb 2006

Report of the Chief Executive Officer of the NEPAD Secretariat
Prof. Firmino G. Mucavele, The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), 22 Jan 2006

African Union Summit 2006, Sudan
African Union (AU), 16 Jan 2006

Reflections on African Union, NEPAD and African CSO engagement with an eye on Continental Citizenship, Public Accountability and Governance / Réflexions sur l'?Union africaine, le NEPAD et l'?engagement des OSC africaines avec une perspect
Irungu Houghton, 12 Dec 2005

African organisations and institutions: Positive cross-continental progress
Lloyd O. Pierson, USAID Assistant Administrator for Africa, USAID, 17 Nov 2005

AU Decision on the Reform of the UN System and the Security Council
African Union (AU), 31 Oct 2005

Communiqué issued at the end of the fifth Meeting of the African Partnership Forum, London 4-5 October 2005
Africa Partnership Forum, 5 Oct 2005

African Partnership Forum - Terms of Reference
African Partnership Forum, 5 Oct 2005

APRM Consultative Conference: Announcement of South Africa's APRM Governing Council by Professor Stan Sangweni, Chairperson of the Public Service Commission
Stan Sangweni, Chairperson of the Public Service Commission, 29 Sep 2005

SARPN seminar: Ghana's implementation of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM): Lessons learnt
5 Sep 2005

SARPN Seminar: Ghana's Implementation of the APRM: lessons learnt
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 5 Sep 2005

SARPN comments on the G8 Communiqué
Sue Mbaya, Director of SARPN, 14 Jul 2005

A SARPN comenta acerca do comunicado do G8
Sue Mbaya, Directora da SARPN, 14 Jul 2005

The 2005 Summit of the G8: Disappointed but resolute (Joint statement from African Civil Society Organisations at the conclusion of the 2005 Summit)
9 Jul 2005

Some of the reactions that emerged within 24 hours of the G8 Communiqué
9 Jul 2005

Press release: UNDP Administrator Malloch Brown lauds G8 promise to double Africa aid, calls for continuing pressure on world leaders to deliver
8 Jul 2005

G8 Summit 2005, Gleneagles
G8, 8 Jul 2005

Decisions from the 5th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union
African Union, 4 Jul 2005

Declarations and Resolutions from the 5th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union
African Union, 4 Jul 2005

SARPN Report back: 7th Ordinary Session of the AU Executive Council- Ougadugu Centre, Sirte Libya
1 Jul 2005

African Union Summit 2005, Libya
African Union (AU), Jul 2005

G8 Summit 2005 - Reponses to the Gleneagles Communiqué
G8, Jul 2005

Report on the 10th Ordinary Session of the Permanent Representatives
African Union, 28 Jun 2005

Decisions from the AU 7th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council
African Union, 28 Jun 2005

Draft resolution from Abuja peer review forum
NEPAD HSGIC, 21 Jun 2005

African Union Summit 2005 - Civil Society response
African Union (AU), 20 Jun 2005

Keynote address by the Secretary of State for Local Government and Land, Honorable Ismaila Sambou
Ismaila Sambou, African Union, 20 Jun 2005

Statement by heads of state and government in support of the outcomes of the high level meeting on the implementation of the CAADP agenda
NEPAD, 19 Jun 2005

Africa needs a hand up, not a hand-out
Nicky Oppenheimer, De Beers, 14 Jun 2005

The Cairo Declaration and road map on the Doha work programme
African Union, 9 Jun 2005

Report on 3rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Trade
Institute for Security Studies, 8 Jun 2005

The Africa Commission: a critical assessment
Chris Landsberg, David Kalete, Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), CIVICUS, Jun 2005

African Post-Conflict Reconstruction Policy Framework / Cadre politique de reconstruction post conflit en Afrique
NEPAD, Jun 2005

NEPAD and civil society participation in the APRM
Len Verwey, Idasa, May 2005

A more secure continent: African perspectives on the UN high-level panel report, A more secure world: Our shared responsibility
The Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), 23 Apr 2005

Strategies for promoting effective stakeholder participation in the African Peer Review Mechanism(APRM)
Economic Commission for Africa, 14 Apr 2005

Joint statement by participants in Boston University African Presidential Roundtable 2005
African Presidential Roundtable, 13 Apr 2005

NEPAD and the Regional Economic Commissions
NEPAD, 11 Apr 2005

Brief report issued at the end of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Country Review Mission to Ghana
African Peer Review Mechanism Country Review Mission, 4 Apr 2005

Asian-African summit outcomes
Apr 2005

The African Union organs and the African Peer Review Mechanism
Ayesha Kajee, South African Institute of International Affairs, Apr 2005

AU workshop on Africa's external debt
African Union (AU), 1 Apr 2005

Speech delivered by the President of Pan-African Parliament Honourable Ambassador Gertrude Ibengwe Mongella, MP; Opening ceremony of the Pan-African Parliament 3rd session
Gertude Mongella, Pan African Parliament, 29 Mar 2005

African cities driving the NEPAD initiative: An introduction to the NEPAD cities programme
UN-Habitat, African Union, South African Government and African Ministerial Conference on Housing and, 31 Jan 2005

Towards good governance and sustainable development: the African Peer Review Mechanism
Kempe Ronald Hope, United Nations, 2005

NEPAD and gender
NEPAD - APRM, 2005

CSO AU-ECOSOCC Process Briefing
African Union (AU), 2005

Search this category:

Submission from Civil Society Organisations to the Pan African Parliament on the proposal for continental government
Examining the African Development Bank: A primer for NGOs
African Development Bank Financial and Operational Analysis for year 2006
Communique of Consultative Dialogue Between African civil society organisations and the Pan African Parliament

Taking the New Partnership for Africa`s Development seriously: a response to NEPAD from the Advocacy Network for Africa (USA)
Can apples be reaped from a thorn tree? A case analysis of the Zimbabwean crisis and NEPAD`s peer review mechanism
NEPAD and the Challenge of Africa`s development: towards the political economy of a discourse

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