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Regional themes > Energy Last update: 2020-11-27  


Statement of Principles1

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The Global Village Energy Partnership seeks to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development through the accelerated provision of modern energy services to those unserved or underserved. This is made possible through a partnership of developing and industrialized country governments, international development agencies, donor organizations, private firms, consumers, NGOs and others committed to addressing energy-poverty. This document sets forth a Statement of Principles for partners to the Global Village Energy Partnership, including responsibilities, services and proposed activities.

Partner Commitment

By participating in the Global Village Energy Partnership, partners will:
  1. Support the goal to increase and facilitate access to modern energy while improving economic and social development, quality of life and services, and reducing poverty.
  2. Promote the use of environmentally sound technology options in a range of rural, peri-urban and urban areas where energy access is lacking and/or in sectors where the provision of energy services is not presently sustainable (e.g., agriculture, education, health, water, telecommunications, infrastructure, rural development, and small business).
  3. Combine, as appropriate, increased use of renewable energy resources, more efficient production and use of energy, greater reliance on advanced energy technologies (including cleaner fossil fuel technologies), with the sustainable use of traditional energy resources.
  4. Facilitate policy and market regulatory frameworks that create the economic, social and institutional conditions to improve access to reliable, affordable, economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally-sound energy services.
  5. Enhance human and institutional capacity in the delivery of energy services.
  6. Engage in the Partnership without discrimination with respect to race, religion or gender.
  7. Ensure that Partnership activities are effectively integrated and coordinated with related activities at the local, national, regional or global levels, including programs implemented by partner organizations, host country governments and other partnerships.
  8. Establish and support implementation of work-plans for activities assisted by the Partnership.
  9. Participate in annual reporting of progress under the Partnership.
Partnership Services

The Partnership will provide services "on demand", including:
  1. Support to national or local implementation energy-poverty programs, tying into their poverty reduction strategies or other instruments of sustainable development strategies.
  2. Capacity development support to increase energy access, including strengthening of government policy and market regulatory frameworks, provision of entrepreneurial services, consumer organization support, and cross sector project development.
  3. Funding facilitation to increase investment flows and credit access, including training of local bankers, information on financing sources and access to seed capital.
  4. Knowledge management and transaction tools that provide information on successful program strategies, available technologies, and workable business and financing models.
  5. Results monitoring with partners participating in the biennial Partnership 'General Assembly'.
Proposed Partner Participation
GVEP partner participation form - 29Kb < 1min

Send completed forms to GVEP Interim Secretariat, UNDP/World Bank ESMAP Program, The World Bank, F4K-254, 1818 H St NW, Washington DC 20433. Fax: 202-522-3018; email:

  1. "Village" refers to individuals and households in rural, peri-urban and urban areas that lack access to modern energy services.

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